Mastering Eloquence to Defend Truth

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Turning Thinkers Into Leaders

Veritas students who master rhetoric can effectively communicate their ideas and influence others, essential skills for leadership and positive impact. They can analyze and evaluate arguments, express their thoughts, and develop critical thinking skills. This can be applied to various industries, leading to meaningful contributions to society and positive change.

students working at their desks

What we focus on during the Rhetoric Phase

Omnibus: Finding Truth in the Great Books

Veritas faculty developed a course of reading through the Great Books called Omnibus. Students learn history, theology, and literature by reading the Scriptures and the Great Books.

Rhetoric: A Good Man (or Woman) Speaking Well

The great teacher Quintilian defined rhetoric as “a good man speaking well.” At Veritas, we believe this—except we add “good women” as well. In Rhetoric, students learn to create speeches, and they practice speaking and writing persuasively.

Math: Glimpsing the Beauty of Numbers

Veritas often study Calculus 1 and 2 in High School, but that is not the end of our study of math. In math, we seek to see beauty, order, and the mind of God in the language of math.

Science: Opening the Book of Nature

Veritas high school students explore the Book of Nature in the laboratory. They all study Biology and Chemistry. Veritas students explore the world confident that the Bible and the truth they find in science have the same Author.

Languages: Restoring Babel

Veritas students can either continue with classical language in high school by deep-dive into Latin or study a modern foreign language: Spanish, Italian, and French. Because of their mastery of Latin, Veritas students move through other languages confidently.

Learning to Love Beauty Through Art and Music

Veritas students learn to value beauty as they learn artistic technical skills or art appreciation. They can continue signing in the choir or the Advanced Choral Ensemble. They also have the opportunity to shine in our strings program.

Cultivating Service in the Student Honorary Societies

Honor students work to tutor younger students, read with elementary students, catalog the books at Veritas, serve as student ambassadors, or serve in the science labs as assistants and organizers.

Senior Thesis: The Crowning Achievement

During their senior year, students write a thesis paper. They have to defend this thesis publicly and be questioned by adult experts who have read their paper. This process prepares Veritas students to thrive in college or career and imbues them with the ability to prove their point.

Building Connections Between Subjects & Life

In the rhetoric stage of classical education, students focus on electives based on their interests and aptitude. Literature appreciation is emphasized over destructive criticism, and students should learn a little of every subject while focusing on a few in detail. The study of theology helps students make connections between subjects and see that all knowledge is related to God.

student and teacher working on a laptop
Girl writing on a chalkboard

Indeed, I am not at all sure that a pupil thoroughly proficient in the Trivium would not be fit to proceed immediately to the university at the age of sixteen, thus proving himself the equal of his mediæval counterpart, whose precocity often appears to us so astonishing and unaccountable. This, to be sure, would make hay of the public-school system, and disconcert the universities very much…

Dorothy Sayers, Lost Tools of Learning
Girl working at her desk

Our Incredible Teachers

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Paul Miller
Secondary Humane Letters Teacher
Stacy Eberly
Grammar & Secondary Art
Graham Dennis
Dean of Students, Upper School Humane Letters Teacher, Middle School Boys Soccer Coach
Rhonda Forbes
Dean of Math and Science, Upper School Math Teacher
Harry Myrick
Secondary Mathematics and Physics Teacher
Bill Lauris
Secondary Science Teacher
Kristen Hoover
Upper School & 6th Grade Math Teacher
Sarah Caroline Nixon
Upper School Writing Teacher
Adam Timmins
House Program Director, Upper School Logic & Humane Letters Teacher
Starling Reid
Humane Letters Teacher
Stephen Darrenkamp
Upper School Latin Teacher; Logic Teacher
Madelyn Fischer
Upper Grammar and 7th Grade Latin Teacher
Amanda Crooks
Secondary Art and Science Teacher; Health Assistant
Amber Spatola
French, Italian and Writing Basics Instructor
Anna Martin
Secondary Spanish Teacher, Director of Service
Lindsey Stauffer
Choir Director & Upper Grammar Music Teacher
Jennifer Petry
Director of Orchestras
Shayne Zigich
Upper School Humane Letters Teacher
Jannah Esbenshade
Science Teacher, Athletics Assistant
Ibby Rios
Sixth Grade and Spanish IV Teacher

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Our Academic Difference

Classical Christian schools are highly valued by those who understand their potential, but often overlooked by others. Our school stands out because we start with different goals. Discover more about what sets our school apart.

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Meet Our Incredible Staff

Over the years, God has brought Veritas Academy incredibly gifted teachers who inspire the love of learning and help students reach their highest potential. Learn about them by exploring their profiles on our Faculty & Staff page.  

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Cultivating Students

We strive to develop students who not only possess the skills and knowledge necessary for success, but who are also filled with love and compassion for others, a desire to serve their community, and a knack for critical thinking.