Advent Ep. 5: The Consummation of a Promise
In order for you - and your family - to fully appreciate and enter into the anticipation of Christmas, you must be able to see how the incarnation of Christ fits into the whole story of creation, fall, redemption. Graham Dennis talks with us about why it's so monumental that God stepped into time and space to become Emmanuel, and how it all is the consummation of the great promise repeated throughout the millenia of scripture. Graham shows us how the tradition of a Jesse Tree - and the symbolism and passages used in the Jesse Tree - can help our families grasp this beautiful story.
Links for Jesse Tree resources:
Jesse Tree Devotional Suggestion:

Creativity in the Classroom (and Why Fourth Graders SHOULD Play With Fire!)

Family Prayer and Devotions: Cultivating the Spiritual Health of Your Home

Why Music is an Essential Part of a Child's Holistic, Classical Education