Book Recommendations From Veritas Seniors: The Unique and Insightful Tastes of Classically Educated Teens

Season 3
February 20, 2024

Our previous episode of Cultivate featured several of our teachers and academic administrators talking about why we put so much stock in reading Great Books here at Veritas (we recommend you listen to it if you haven't yet!).

This week, the conversation continues in a way, this time turning to our students and finding out first hand how the books they've read at school have shaped their lives and their loves.

Listen as our host and Head of School Ty Fischer talks with four current Veritas 12th grade students - Rachel Jacob, Ruthie Reeser, Simon Rickert, and Christian Wenger - about their favorite books they've read here at Veritas, and other literary recommendations.

Not only will you enjoy getting to know these seniors, but you may get ideas for books to read (or rediscover) yourself. For those of you who have younger students at Veritas or another classical Christian school - or for families considering classical Christian education - this episode also enlightens you to some of the "fruit" of a great books education like the one offered here. See a glimpse of what kinds of young men and women that matriculate from Veritas Academy.

About our Guests

Christian Wenger

Simon Rickert

Ruthie Reeser

Rachel Jacob

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