Giving Middle Schoolers The Tools of Logic: Critical Thinking and Sound Reasoning to Serve Kids for Life

Season 2
March 22, 2023

Middle schoolers love to argue. We might as well be faithful to equip them to do it well.

In this episode, Veritas Logic teacher Nathaniel Stamper (who also teaches Omnibus, Apologetics, and Junior Thesis) talks with Ty Fischer about why 7th and 8th graders are ready for the challenge and joy of learning logic, how we teach them to apply logic at Veritas, and why this type of education is so important for youth in today's culture.

Maybe you find yourself exasperated with the rampant disinformation presented in the civic realm today. Or, perhaps you're frustrated with seemingly endless debates with your headstrong kids. Or, you wonder whether your children will be swayed like the grass by every argument - sound or not - that presents to them as they grow and go out into the world. This podcast will help you realize the tools needed to equip youth to think critically and stand for truth.

About our Guests

Tyler Fischer

Head of School

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