Prizing a Pre-Political Education To Raise Up a Generation of Engaged Citizens
This episode originally aired in May of 2023. During this season heading into a Presidential election - and all of the political news and discussions that permeate such a season - we believe this is a timely conversation to release as part of our summer hiatus time.
Are you weary of the way that politics has seemed to seep into every corner of our lives, including in the education of even our youngest children? Ty Fischer and Veritas Dean of Students and humanities teacher Graham Dennis talk about the valuing a “pre-political” education, and what that looks like as we seek to cultivate a generation who can discuss an array of difficult topics with confidence, respect, and clarity.
The discussion dives all the way back to the Ancient origins of the word politics and meanders into the modern era, helping us to discern how we can raise today's youth to be free thinking citizens who can rise above the mud slinging of today's political ideas.
Books referenced in this episode include:

Creativity in the Classroom (and Why Fourth Graders SHOULD Play With Fire!)

Family Prayer and Devotions: Cultivating the Spiritual Health of Your Home

Why Music is an Essential Part of a Child's Holistic, Classical Education