STEM and Classical Christian Education

Season 3
March 19, 2024

At first glance, many who begin exploring classical Christian education may assume that its proclivity for the humanities - the Great Books, history, philosophy, etc. - leads to weaker science and mathematics disciplines.

Hear from Rhonda Forbes, Veritas Dean of Math and Science, and Bill Lauris, beloved Veritas upper school science teacher, on why that assumption is in fact a gross misconception!

In this episode, we examine not only our culture's fascination with STEM, but the importance it plays in any student's education. Listen to hear how, specifically, a classical Christian education uniquely prepares students to thrive in STEM fields, thanks to the distinctive tenets which lead to critical thinking, problem solving, and an integrated view of subjects.

We'll touch on topics like:

  • Advanced Placement courses and tests
  • Using secular science and math textbooks
  • A classical Christian view of STEM
  • and more!

You'll not only get to know a couple of our STEM teachers a little better through this conversation, but you will appreciate and understand how a classical Christian school can offer one of the best platforms for students to develop a love and skillset in math and science.

Reading recommendations mentioned in this episode:

About our Guests

Rhonda Forbes

Dean of Math and Science, Upper School Math Teacher

Bill Lauris

Secondary Science Teacher

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