The Battle for the American Mind: A Conversation With David Goodwin

Season 3
September 26, 2023

We're excited to launch Season Three of the Cultivate Podcast with this conversation with bestselling author and president of the Association of Classical Christian Schools (ACCS) David Goodwin, who co-authored the 2022 book Battle for the American Mind: Uprooting a Century of Miseducation.

This episode features enlightening insight into how modern public education as we know it has been driven by the progressive movement for centuries, how the concept of Paideia has been used to form the souls of American children, and how classical Christian schools are responding and preparing a generation to be free thinkers and citizens who represent Christ's kingdom.

Opening our season with a "Battle" topic is fitting, as you will find the theme of courage running as a thread through many of our episodes this school year. Keep listening this season for conversations that challenge us to consider how we will prepare our children and their generation to be courageous in their faith and in speaking and seeking truth, beauty, and goodness.

About our Guests

David Goodwin

President, Association of Classical Christian Schools

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